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This page is always under construction !

Please do not use my images without my permission !

Last updated November 24,1997

You are visiter number since july 19, 1997

What's New
New E-mail Address !

Here are a list of links

Eric's Video Games Page
My Video Game page !
Cyber Formula Miscellaneous
A great CF page !
Cyber Fourmula Zero and Saga
A page where you can find stories for CF and there is also an open forum !
My Buddy's Page
Go get Toolman ! A freeware my buddy programmed !
100% Tenchi Muyo
My sister's homepage !
The Altimate Zone
A page with lots of information on CF !
A page with lots of info and a Cyber Formula Club !
Future GPX Cyber Formula Saga
A page with info on Cyber Formula Saga !
CyberFormula 網站
A great Cyber Formula Page with character info and lots more !
Cyber Formula's Club (C.F.C)
The official page of the C.F.C !

Cyber Formula Cars
Cyber Formula Downloads

This page was created by Eric Chan

A Proud Member of The C.F.C

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